251. Learn To Yield
Learn to yield to Me, My children, every part of you
Learn to yield to Me, My children, all that’s old and new
Learn to yield, My children, as I did at Calvary
Learn to yield, My children
And experience peace and liberty
You’ve Been Called
You’ve been called as a people for My name
You’ve been called to trust wholly in My ways
You’ve been called to bring Me pleasure
You’ve been called for Me to train
You’ve been called as a people for My name
Don’t forget the reason that you’ve been called
Or why you enlisted in Me
My army is for those who love My name
I’m YAHWEH-YASHA, follow Me
253. You Are Rich
You are rich, My children, you are rich
I know all about your hardships but you are rich
You may seem poor in others’ eyes
But remain faithful to Me
In the end you’ll see how blessed you will be
Do not fear, My children, the sufferings
That come on you
Look, the devil will try to stop you from being true
Just remain faithful unto Me
Through the good and the bad
Be victorious, My treasures are yours to have
254. You Are My Motivation
You are my motivation
You are my inspiration, YAHWEH-YASHA
You are my only hope
You are why I can cope, YAHWEH-YASHA
What would I do without you?
All my hopes are based on your promises so true
You are my motivation
You are my inspiration, YAHWEH-YASHA
Be Strong And Show Yourself A Man
As David’s life drew to a close
He spoke unto his son
And told him wisdom for his life
As heaven is so close at hand
YAHWEH-YASHA bends down
And speaks forth wisdom for His bride
Be strong and show yourself a man
Follow and keep My ways
Observe all My commands
Be strong and show yourself a man
Be loyal to My name
And success will be yours all your days
256. Let’s Praise The Holy Name
Let’s praise the holy name of YAHWEH-YASHA
For His name alone is so excellent
Who shall bring salvation from Zion?
Who shall come and redeem His own?
Who’s preparing heaven for His children?
YAHWEH-YASHA, the Saviour
Let’s praise the holy name of YAHWEH-YASHA
The judge over all, our Redeemer and King
257. Awake, Arise, Oh Sleeper
Awake, arise, Oh sleeper
The end of time is near
Awake, arise, Oh sleeper
Your condition to Me is clear
Be not deceived by your wicked heart
Please open your eyes and see
Awake, arise, Oh sleeper
Grasp this chance for eternity
I Look To You
I look to you, I look to you
For you know all my needs
I look to you, on you I must depend
YAHWEH-YASHA, I look to you
Many things I don’t understand
Lots of things are out of my hands
Thank you for your tender touch
YAHWEH-YASHA, I look to you
I’ve lived my life not always doing right
Thank you for your mercy to see the light
I want to do what’s best in your sight
YAHWEH-YASHA, I look to you
You’re my friend on whom I can depend
I know I do not walk alone
You are there to keep me strong
YAHWEH-YASHA, I look to you
You Are Worth More
You are worth more to Me than many sparrows
You’re not forgotten in My sight
Just cling to Me and do what’s right
You are worth more to Me than many sparrows
Be encouraged, I am on My way
Life is more than food or clothing
What you sow, you will reap
Store up treasures in heaven, worry not what to eat
I clothe the flower growing wild today
How much more I look after you
Little flock, keep your eyes on Me
Don’t forget all I have spoken
Don’t forget I’m in control
Don’t forget I’m coming back again
For those who overcome
Don’t forget to keep preparing
Don’t forget to remain true
Little flock, I have My eyes on you
260. Closer To You
Closer to you, closer to you, YAHWEH-YASHA
I want to draw close, I am determined to win
You’re leading and you’re guiding me
Holding to my right hand
Closer to you, closer to you, YAHWEH-YASHA
Satan may try to make me lose
But with you I know that I can win
My eyes look to you, YAHWEH-YASHA
With you there’s no dead end
Closer to you, YAHWEH-YASHA
Closer, closer to you, help me draw closer to you
261. I Am Dependable
I am dependable, just look to Me
I am dependable, why don’t you taste and see?
Don’t look for security from anywhere but Me
I am dependable, My church, keep following Me
Look at David, just a shepherd boy
Who depended completely on Me
He met the giant on the field
With only five stones and a sling
He had no fear of the enemy, he knew I’d deliver him
For I’m dependable, My church
I won’t let you down
Look at Abraham, he waited so long
To have a child of his own
When I tested him with Isaac
He didn’t turn away and run
He trusted completely in My ways
When I tested him that day
For I’m dependable, My church, I will make a way
When you find yourselves in trials
Don’t panic, I’m at your side
Don’t listen to the enemy
He deceives and he lies
Just trust Me completely and never doubt
Very soon you’ll be My bride
For I’m dependable, My church
Look to Me on high
262. Get Ready
Get ready, for untold joys are close at hand
Get ready now, My children
To enter the Promised Land
Get ready, follow My ways and be complete
Get ready now, My children, watch and see
Exercise your faith and be prepared
For what I have for you
Embrace all I have given you
Never turn away from truth
Follow My leading as I go before
And steady you will be
Be prepared to listen closely unto Me
263. Encouragement Is What I Offer
Encouragement is what I offer
If you’ll just break through your thoughts of deep despair
I offer happiness complete; I offer liberty and peace
Take encouragement from Me and you will grow
Encouragement I’ll freely give to you
Just seek Me more than you ever have before
My arms will truly comfort you
Just obey in all you do
Take encouragement from Me today
264. Who Is Going To Deliver Us?
Who is going to deliver us?
YAHWEH-YASHA is His name
Who is going to see us through?
We look up to the sky for the King to pass by
He knows our every need
We must be true in word and deed
Bless His holy name, help is on the way
Continue to believe, it just might be today
Who is going to deliver us?
Who is going to see us through?
YAHWEH-YASHA, the Victor!
To His Word He will be true
265. Welcome Home
Welcome home, welcome home
You are now My holy children, welcome home
If you’ll remain faithful unto Me
Then soon you’ll hear Me say
Welcome home, My precious children, welcome home
I know your activities; I know you’re not very strong
But you’ve kept My commandments
And not disowned My name
I’m coming so quickly; hold firmly to what you have
If you prove victorious, these are the words you will hear
Wake up now, My children, put effort into your walk
Effort took Me to Calvary where I gave My all for you
Keep on persevering, for soon I am coming
Keep your robes unstained by sin
And listen to what I will say
Peace I Give To You
Peace I give to you, My children
Just follow Me and obey
Peace I give to you, My children
Walk with Me the whole way
My peace I give, peace the world cannot give
This is My gift to you
My children, don’t let your hearts be troubled or afraid
Peace I give to you, My children
Take seriously what I say
Peace I give to you, My children
Be doers of My Word today
267. Just Look To Me
Oh My people, just look to Me
Just seek Me with all your hearts
I will not lead you astray; I am your only hope
You will never be disappointed
But you must seek Me with all your hearts
I have to be number one and your everything
So just seek Me and look to Me
Lay aside everything
Things will vanish very quickly
Things will happen; I’m in control
Only look to Me, get your eyes on Me
And seek Me with all your hearts
Don’t worry about a thing
My children, seek Me now
268. Be Spiritual, My Children
Be spiritual, My children, walk My way
Be spiritual, My children, listen to what I say
Be spiritual, My children, trust in Me and see
What obeying My Word is going to do for thee
Don’t be carnal, My children, look and see
Don’t be carnal, My children
Your lives must be clean
Don’t be carnal, My children, judgment is so near
I have no favorites; just hold My Word dear
Be spiritual, My children, it’s life and peace
Be spiritual, My children, seek Me to be free
Be spiritual, My children, things are in My hands
All power is Mine, My children
But you must stand
269. My Birthright Is YAHWEH-YASHA
My birthright, my cup is YAHWEH-YASHA
You alone hold my lot secure
Your measuring line marks out for me
Such a delightful place
My birthright is lovely, YAHWEH-YASHA
I bless Him who’s my counselor
At night He instructs my heart
I keep Him before me always
For with Him at my right hand
Nothing can shake me
My birthright is YAHWEH-YASHA
Come Up Higher
Come up higher, grow in Me
Come up higher now and live victoriously
My children, now’s the time to push through
And live up to your calling
Come up higher now and fully live in Me
Take time to pray and time to dwell
On all I’ve done for you
Take time to persevere and time to love Me true
Take time to let My Word affect your lives
And make you strong
Take time to trust My ways
For to Me you do belong
271. Yield, Be Patient And Submit
Yield, be patient and submit, that is the key to victory
Yield, be patient and submit to YAHWEH-YASHA
To be free
Yield to His will, be patient for His plans
Submit to His training, He knows what is best
Yield, be patient and submit
And your soul will find sweet rest
272. Seek Me For The Power
Seek Me for the power to live your lives for Me
Seek Me for the power, I’ll supply all your needs
Seek Me for the power, ask and see
Seek Me for the power, I’ll answer thee
Seek Me for the power through prayer to grow in Me
273. Take My Hand
Take My hand, I’ll strengthen you
And keep you on your way
Take My hand, My children, and you will never stray
Take My hand, take My hand
Take My hand and just continue to obey
Take My hand, now is not the time
To lose your faith in Me
Take My hand, hold on tightly
Heaven’s closer than you think
Take My hand, take My hand
Take My hand and you’ll never regret
Giving your all to Me
To Be Shaped By The Master
To be shaped by the hand of the Master
Is the greatest privilege that I could ever know
To be shaped by the hand of the Master
Brings me joy to know He really loves me so
To be shaped by His hand, to be molded in His plan
Thrills my heart to think He cares so much for me
To be shaped by the hand of the Master
Is the greatest honor in this life for me
Words Of Life
I give you words of life, words of life
Words of wisdom and guidance
That will keep you from strife
Words of life; My words are food to feed your souls
And light to guide your paths
They’ll comfort and soothe your hearts
And keep you from My wrath
My words will never, ever fail
They are truth and will prevail
You’re blessed, My little flock, with words of life
276. Believe In YAHWEH-YASHA
And you’ll be secure
Trust in the power of His might
Believe in the prophecies He has given you
Keep walking by faith and not sight
The battle is His and not ours
Trust in His Word and see
We shall come through victorious
If we trust Him wholeheartedly
And you’ll be secure
Seek help from Him this very day
Believe in the prophecies He has given you
He’s the only one who knows the way
We do not know what is next
We look to Him to guide our steps
Now praise Him with all your hearts
Give thanks to Him, for He knows what is best
277. You Take Too Much On
You take too much on yourselves, My children
Just look to Me and see
I know what I am doing and what is best for thee
The pressures of life are for Me to bear
Cast them all on Me for I’m right there
Don’t try to squirm out of all your difficulties
There’s a purpose in every one
Recognize My will in your lives
It’s through weakness that victory is won
You Do Not Walk Alone
You do not walk alone; you do not walk alone
I will lead and guide you
I’ll be right beside you
You do not walk alone
I’m the healer of broken hearts
I’m the mender of shattered souls
Victory comes only at My command
You see you do not walk alone
The world was formed at the sound of My voice
Do not fear, I am in control
Only let Me comfort and keep you close
For you do not walk alone
279. There Is No Despair With Me
There is no despair with Me
You are a shining light for all to see
You are responsible for the lives you lead
For there is no despair with Me
I have My eyes on you, My children
But you must keep your eyes on Me
My plans will come to pass
If you will walk with Me faithfully
The only hope you have to succeed
Is obedience through faith in Me
Hold nothing back from Me, reach out and see
That there is no despair with Me
280. We Give Thanks To You
We give thanks to you; we give thanks to you
As we call upon your name
As we recount your wonders
We give thanks to you; we give thanks to you
Holy YAHWEH-YASHA, we give thanks to you
Give thanks to our great God, for He is good
His faithful love is everlasting
Who can number all His triumphs?
Who can fully voice His praise?
Hallelujah, we magnify your name
281. Persevere
Persevere in your confidence that I will see you through
Persevere in your trust in Me
Is there anything that I cannot do?
Persevere in submission to My wisdom
And My will for each one of you
Persevere in your faith in Me
Giving thanks for all you receive
282. Happiness
Happiness doesn’t come from this life
True happiness comes from the Giver of Life
Happiness you will see
If you will faithfully reach out to Me
Happiness can’t be found in this world
True happiness comes from obeying My Word
Happiness, you see, can only be found in Me
283. We Will Not Be Disappointed
We will not be disappointed
If we’ll just follow our Saviour all the way
We will not be disappointed
For He will never lead us astray
We will not be disappointed
Soon YAHWEH-YASHA will take us to His home
We will not be disappointed
He won’t fail us; He’s our joy and our song
284. Thank You, Father
Thank you, Father, for I can feel the shame
I’ve placed on you
Thank you, Father, for I can feel the pain
That’s in your heart
Thank you, Father, for I can see my sins
The sins that you abhor
Thank you, Father, for I can feel your love
I will leave it nevermore
285. I Want To Make It
The beauties of heaven
I’m sure are marvels to behold
But it’s my Saviour I long to see
Just to dwell in His presence and His glory share
There is nothing in this world that can compare
I want to make it, I want to make it
I want to make it to heaven some day
I want to make it, I want to make it
I want to make it all the way
I want to make it come what may
I want to make it to heaven some day
It Doesn’t Matter Who You Are
My children, it doesn’t matter to Me who you are
If you don’t keep My commandments
You will not live
Commit your all to Me
I am the Living Word
Let your hearts hold fast My Word
What I’ve given won’t pass away
Everything I have said, I will perform
My children, let Me talk with you
Let Me walk with you
Keep guard of your hearts every day
For out of them flow springs of life
I have chosen you and will keep you
Treasure all that I have to say
287. I Came
I came to bring redemption
From a sinful world
Redemption for My people
Who have faithfully endured
I came to bring you life, to give you peace
If you’ll just look to Me
I am the Saviour, I am He
I came to bring encouragement
Which only comes from Me
I came for the very purpose of dying at Calvary
I came to bring redemption
From a sinful world
Redemption for My people
Who have faithfully endured
I came to bring you hope, to bring you love
I came to set you free
I am the Saviour, I am He
288. I Won’t Fail You
I won’t fail you
I won’t fail you
I won’t fail you, no matter what others may do
Don’t diminish My power in any way
I’m the Mighty God; I’ll perform what I say
I won’t fail you; I’m the way
289. We’re Just A People Who Love God
We’re just a people who love God
And follow His Word
Cleansed by His blood and spiritually concerned
Nothing is too hard when YAHWEH-YASHA is in it
He’ll make the path and lead us on the way
He’ll give us strength to perform and establish
Whatever He may say
290. So Give Thanks To Me
So give thanks to Me with all your heart
Submit your whole being to Me
You’ll be happy you consecrated Me your earthly life
When you enter heaven for eternity
My children, I love you and you are safe in Me
I’m feeding you with manna from above
I want you to present yourselves a living sacrifice
Holy and pure and free
Keep yourselves in My love
Walk in holiness each day
Don’t trade My riches for rags of this world
The price I paid for you at Calvary will keep you free
Just keep your faith firm in Me
I’ve given you My gift in earthen vessels
Now let your light shine for all men to see
I’ve given you liberally truth to set you free
Walk on the path I’m leading you
Present yourselves unto Me a living sacrifice
My righteousness the world needs to see
I want you to give yourselves completely unto Me
You’ll be so glad for eternity
Your Love
Your love is all I need; your love is pure and free
Your love will never fail, your love, your love
Your love is always true; your love is all of you
Your love gives me sweet peace
Your love, your love is real
292. Set Free
Set free, set free from this world below
Upward to heaven, that’s where I want to go
In the twinkling of an eye, when the last trumpet sounds
Instantly we’ll be changed to meet Him in the clouds
Set free, set free, home at last
Joy will abound, it will happen so fast
293. Let It Be As You Have Said
Let it be as you have said
That’s what you want to hear from me
Believing in you with all my heart
Will result in seeing victory
Let it be as you have said
With no trace of doubt that can be found
My heart must be filled with faith
That your promises are sound
294. You Are There
You are there to lead me on
YAHWEH-YASHA, you’re true
You are there with your hand outstretched
Oh Saviour, I need you
You are there when the burdens of this life
Seem too much to bear
YAHWEH-YASHA, you are there
In the midst of my trials
As I walk through the valley deep and low
I know my Saviour walks beside me
And I know He gives me strength to help me grow
Though the darts of the tempter seem to come
My way from each and every side
I know my Saviour never leaves me and
He gives me strength to fight with all my might
295. My Love Is As Pure As Gold
My love is as pure as gold, My children
And something that money cannot buy
My mercy and grace are freely given
To anyone who will look to Me
Don’t let anyone steal your love for Me, take heed!
I am YAHWEH-YASHA and I am jealous of thee
Don’t let anything steal your love for Me, My children
I’m the One who fulfills your needs
Remember how much I love thee
I gave My all for you
Will you not give back to Me
Your heart filled with love and faith
And offer sweet praises to Me?
Remember, you were in My plan
Before the world began
I went to Calvary so that men might be set free
You’ve been chosen and given My Word
Let it mold you and make you grow in love
Then in humility and in truth
You will finish the race
296. I Exalt Thee
I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee
Glory and honor and praise
I give to you, YAHWEH-YASHA
I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee
Glory and honor and praise I give to you
No one can have greater love than this
Than to lay down His life for His friends
Because of all you’ve done for me, YAHWEH-YASHA
I want to give glory to your blessed name
YAHWEH-YASHA, you hear my every prayer
You are faithful, dependable and true
Blessed be your marvelous, holy name
All of my praise I offer unto you
297. Victory
Victory is just a command away
You speak the word and we triumph in your name today
That’s all it takes, just a word of authority from you
Whatever you say will stand
No force on earth can resist your command
We wait for you to give the word
Our hearts and minds are open to you
So that your voice can be heard
298. You Will Never Be Lost
You will never be lost with Me
For I have eternal life for thee
If you’ll remain sheep of Mine
You will experience My love divine
Oh, you will never be lost with Me
I am your Shepherd and care for you
As a father cares for his own
I laid down My life for you
And soon you’ll share My home
I have called you and led you out
To walk in the light of My love
I go ahead of you as you travel to your home above
299. We Shall Feast
We shall feast on the bounty of your house
We shall drink from your delicious streams
We make our home in your land and live secure
YAHWEH-YASHA, our hope is fixed in thee
We shall feast on the bounty of your house
We shall drink from your delicious streams
Your Word freely lights our path
It’s a lamp to guide our feet
Oh YAHWEH-YASHA, we worship Thee
300. Lose Your Life To Me
Lose your life to Me and you will find it
Bring to Me your needs, for I will listen
The world is untrue, but I am faithful to you
Die out to your flesh and live in Me
Lose your life to Me and you will find it
You will grow in wisdom and in love
Give your all unto Me and eternal life you’ll receive
Lose your life to Me and live