501. I Will Keep The Faith


I will keep the faith; I will keep the faith

I will keep the faith

I’ll keep the faith until the end of the race

I’m determined to keep the faith


It’s impossible to please you without faith

I must keep the faith until this race is over

Faith is the key to live with you eternally

This is my prayer; I will keep the faith


502. The Blood Has Saved Us


He that shall come shall surely come

He has the power to save; He is our blessed hope

His name is YAHWEH-YASHA


The blood of bulls and goats could not take away sin

It had no power to save

When man He created had been sold in slavery to sin

But there was only One who could take away sin

He became flesh and blood for us

To deliver us from Satan’s grasp

Oh, His blood has saved us


503. When You Call Upon My Name


When you call upon My name

You call upon My power

When you call upon My name

You call upon My strength

When you call upon My name

I am ready to assist you

When you call upon My name


Look around and see

Is there anything too hard for Me?

I’ve given you My holy name

Reach out to Me and just believe

My name will be your strong defense

Against the enemy

So My children, call upon My name


504. Nothing Can Separate Us


Neither death, nor life, nor powers

Nothing in existence and nothing yet to come

Nothing created whatever can separate us from your love


The love that you have shown for us, YAHWEH-YASHA

Is our lifeline, our hope and our joy

Though we may experience hardships or distress

Can anything cut us off from your love?


505. We Will Glorify Your Name


We will glorify your name

We will glorify your name

We’ll praise your majesty and your holy sovereignty

We will glorify your name


Anywhere, anytime of the day

We can praise your marvelous name

You have been so good to us; we will sing your praise

You are faithful and just, patient and kind

You’re the Rock of our faith

YAHWEH-YASHA, we will glorify your name


506. Consistent, Faithful Lives


Consistent, faithful lives secure a glorious destiny

Consistent, faithful lives are His will for you and me

Consistent, faithful lives that our Saviour can be proud of

It’s His will that we are faithful to Him every day

To keep our lives blameless and to never sin or stray

Consistent, faithful lives are what are pleasing unto Thee

Consistent, faithful lives secure a reward, a crown, a King


507. We’re Thankful


We’re thankful, YAHWEH-YASHA

That you draw us near

We’re thankful that you’ve revealed

Your name so dear

We’re thankful, YAHWEH-YASHA

Your still, small voice we hear

We’re thankful that your leading

And guiding us is clear


We are just a few people from different walks of life

You’ve called us together to glorify the light

You have revealed, because we’re following you

It’s a different path, but it is all you


508. Do Not Fall Away


Do not fall away from Me

Preserve your faith in Me

For trials shall surely come upon you

Trust Me, I’ll make a way for thee

Do not fall away from My path

Do not fall away from My Word

If heaven you make as your home

You’ll be glad for everything from Me you’ve heard


509. You Are My Own


I’ve not forgotten all that you have done

Your love for My name

Or the way in which you persevere

For you are My holy people, you are My own

Take comfort in My words, My children

I love you; I’m drawing you near

For you are My holy people, you are My own


I have gone before you

I have felt your weaknesses

For I, too, have been put to the test

Have no fear, My children

Of approaching My throne when you are in need

For you are My holy people, you are My own


510. Build On The Rock


Build on the Rock

Build on the precious Cornerstone

Build on the Rock

Make YAHWEH-YASHA your home

Build on the Rock and you will never go astray

Build on the Rock today

The Rock of our salvation is YAHWEH-YASHA

He and His Word are true

Build on the Rock and He will carry you each day

Build on the Rock today


511. Truly We Are Blessed


Truly we are blessed to have you so near to us

Truly we are blessed that you care to lead us on

Truly we are blessed to sing your sweet promises

Truly we are blessed to serve you, YAHWEH-YASHA


We’re walking on a path that’s not so popular

But we’re walking hand in hand with our Saviour

He blesses us so mightily with His voice

Truly we can rejoice


512. Be Courageous


Be courageous, be courageous

Be courageous as you battle each day

Be courageous, be courageous

Be courageous all along the way


Take courage through My Word

Be strengthened by My hand

For I am your Saviour and you are in My plans

Rebuke doubt and fear, do not desert Me

My children, be courageous and taste of victory


513. The Richness Of Your Name


Oh, the richness of your name means more to me

Than any treasure this world could buy

I’m so thrilled you’ve granted me the privilege

To see the richness of your name


King David wrote how your great name

Brought joy to his soul

Here today we feel the same

Your name makes us whole

We possess a treasure which one day will bring you fame

Oh, the richness of your name


514. Hold Nothing Back From Me


Hold nothing back from Me

Don’t save your praise for a tomorrow that may never come

If you want to be what I want you to be

Hold nothing back from Me


Don’t worry that your strength will wane and wither

I give it and I can replenish it

Beware that your cares aren’t put ahead of Me

You need to focus yourselves to please your Maker

If heaven is to be your home

Then hold nothing back from Me


515. Keep Leading Us


Keep leading us is our cry

Keep leading us to our home on high

Keep leading us; keep us in your hands

Keep leading us to the Promised Land


We’re just children and we’re eager to please

Our Father as He continues to lead us

YAHWEH-YASHA, we want to do what’s right

So keep leading us by your might


516. I Have Called You


I have called you in saving justice

I have grasped you by the hand and shaped you

I have made My home in you, My children

And I have revealed to you My name

Be patient, My children, as I complete your work

Rest secure in the palm of My hand


517. Oh, How Sweet The Name


Long ago in a tiny, little town a King was born

In the humblest of surroundings He came

He was the King of kings, the Lord of lords

The Saviour of the world

And YAHWEH-YASHA was His name

YAHWEH-YASHA, Oh how sweet the name

YAHWEH-YASHA, may all your saints proclaim

That your name is everything to us, your name we do adore

YAHWEH-YASHA, your name is all to us and more


518. The Saviour Of The World


Mary they did not understand

She carried YAHWEH-YASHA, the secret she and God had

The Saviour of the world, the blessing was hers alone

She bore the shame He would one day bear for us

The Saviour of the world, YAHWEH-YASHA


519. Glory Be To YAHWEH-YASHA


Glory be to Him whose power working in us

Can do more than we can imagine

Glory to Him forever and ever

Glory be to YAHWEH-YASHA


His Spirit enables us to grow firm in His power

He has planted us in love and given us His strength

Glory be to YAHWEH-YASHA


He desires faith to abound in our hearts

So we can stand strong in His power

He wants us to yield our all unto Him

Glory be to YAHWEH-YASHA


520. Faith Is What I Need


Faith, faith, faith is what I need today

Faith, faith, faith is how I need to pray

Faith is what will please you

Faith is what I need

Faith, faith, faith


521. YAHWEH-YASHA Is My Leader


YAHWEH-YASHA is my leader; I love my leader

Because He is my joy, because He is my hope

YAHWEH-YASHA is my leader; I love Him so


522. Fight The Good Fight


Fight the good fight of faith, My children

Win the eternal life to which you were called

Fight the good fight of faith as you run in this race

And soon you will receive your reward


It’s a struggle but you must fight to the end

Be determined to finish this race

And there will come to you the crown of life

Just look to Me and fight the good fight of faith


523. Please Remember Us


Please remember us, YAHWEH-YASHA

In our humiliation

Please look down on us and take away our shame

You know where we’re at; you know all about us

Should you add souls to your name

We’ll teach them the commands you’ve given us

Please remember us, YAHWEH-YASHA

In your mercy and kindness

Please look down on us as we seek you and pray


524. Do Not Fear


Do not fear for I am among you

Do not fear, I’m the Almighty God

Remember that I walk beside you

Do not fear, I am leading you on

I shall help you; I shall redeem you

I shall strengthen you with My hand

Do not fear little flock, keep believing

Do not fear, I will not abandon you


525. Come To Me


Come to Me, My children

Come to Me and I will give you rest

Come to Me all you who labor

And are heavy burdened

I will give you rest

Come to Me, My children

Come to Me


526. Be Thankful For What You Have


Be thankful for what you have

Not sorry for what you don’t have

Blessed is the one who can see

How I give abundantly

My promises you will see

If you will stay close to Me


Don’t feel pity for yourselves

Rather count your many blessings

By sight things look bleak

Don’t dwell on it or you’ll grow weak

Don’t forget, I’m in control

Submit your lives, I’ll make you whole


I know at times that you feel much shame

Come to Me, I’ll share your pain

Don’t focus on the negatives

That’s what Israel did

I have so much more for you

Remain with Me, My words are true


527. Stand In The Truth


Stand in the truth, My children

Don’t be deceived by anyone

The winds of falseness are blowing

Just don’t be taken in

There are consequences for sin

Keep your garments spotless, stay pure within

Oh My children, keep reading My Word

Obey all you have heard

If you do, someday you’ll be Mine

Just keep living for Me and eternal life you’ll find


528. We Believe


We believe that YAHWEH-YASHA won’t fail

We believe He is coming one day

We believe we’ll be rewarded someday

We believe He is all we need

We believe He will forget our past

We believe His words will prove true

YAHWEH-YASHA, we believe you


529. Remember Us, YAHWEH-YASHA


Remember us, remember us


Remember us



You took our shame; you care for us

You keep us safe; you do it all

The credit’s yours; deliver us

You give and we receive; the praise is yours

We love you so


530. Stand Firm On The Solid Base


Stand firm on the solid base of faith

Don’t let yourselves drift away

From the hope promised to you by My Word

Stand firm on the solid base of faith


You were once estranged and of hostile intent

Now you’re reconciled to Me through the cross

As long as you persevere and keep yourselves pure

And stand firm on the solid base of faith


531. YAHWEH-YASHA Is The Only One


YAHWEH-YASHA is the only One

YAHWEH-YASHA is the only One

YAHWEH-YASHA is the only One

Who can bless us

YAHWEH-YASHA is the only One

To whom we can intercede and pray

YAHWEH-YASHA is the only One

YAHWEH-YASHA is the only One

YAHWEH-YASHA is the only One

Who can take away our shame

We thank you for your power and your name


532. Call And He Will Answer


Call and He will answer; ask and receive

His time is not twenty-four hours; His time is eternity


533. Repent, Repent


Repent, repent, the truth will set you free

Repent, repent, the truth will set you free


The Saviour of mankind


Repent, repent, John the Baptist preached

Repent, repent, your souls will be set free


The Saviour of mankind


534. His Name


His name is great; His name is awesome

His name is holy; His name is

YAHWEH-YASHA; praise His name!


535. I Rely On Your Word


I rely on your Word to be my comfort

I rely on your Word to instruct me day by day

I rely on your Word to keep steady my ways

I rely on your faithful Word


You’ve set forth your Word to be carefully kept

I want to keep your Word treasured in my heart

From your Word I learn wisdom, truth and uprightness

I rely on your faithful Word


536. You Will Always See Us Through


We give you all our trials and burdens

You will always see us through

Though the road is rough and rocky

You will smooth it out for us

We give you all our trials and burdens

You will always see us through

For we’re on our way to heaven

It’s a narrow road we choose


We give you all our trials and burdens

You will always see us through

For the rewards are waiting for us

On the path to our heavenly home


When we cross that river Jordan

And the waters rush and roar

You will be our Saviour waiting for us on the other shore


Though others do not understand us

It’s your way and Word we choose

We are on our way to heaven if we do not stray from you

We thank you for our heavy burdens

You will always see us through


537. Our God Is Awesome


Our God is awesome; He is mighty and victorious

He is wonderful and true; He is comforting too

Our God is awesome, yes He is


538. We Hold Onto Our Shepherd’s Hand


We hold onto our Shepherd’s hand

As He leads us to the Promised Land

We rejoice in His great name; His love remains the same

He cares for us like a Father, yet is closer than a brother

We hold onto our Shepherd’s hand

We stay as close to Him as we can


539. Tell Of His Name


Tell of His name; tell of His name

Tell of His name, YAHWEH-YASHA

His name is pure; His name is holy; His name is awesome

King of eternity; heir of the Father; High Priest forever



540. Stand For My Name


Stand for My name, My children

Stand for the truth that it contains

Give Me the glory due to My name

Stand for My everlasting name


541. Prepare A Way For YAHWEH


Prepare in the desert a way for YAHWEH

Make a straight highway for our God

Let every valley be filled in

Every mountain and hill leveled

Every cliff become a plateau

Every escarpment a plain

Then the glory of YAHWEH will be revealed

All humanity will see it together

For the mouth of YAHWEH has spoken



Look, the day of YAHWEH is coming

His feet will rest on the Mount of Olives

The mountain will be split in half

From east to west

Forming a huge valley

The valley will be filled in

And YAHWEH my God will come

YAHWEH will become the King

Of the whole world and His name one



542.He Showed Me The Way


I was a rebel, I was a rebel, I was a rebel

And YAHWEH-YASHA showed me the way

I was a rebel, I was a rebel, I was a rebel

And YAHWEH-YASHA showed me the way


No graven image, no god before Him

Follow the Ten Commandments

Do not take His name in vain

YAHWEH-YASHA showed me the way


Holy is the Sabbath; honor your mother and father

Thou shall not commit adultery

YAHWEH-YASHA showed me the way


Thou shall not kill or bear false witness

Thou shall not steal or covet

YAHWEH-YASHA showed me the way


He came to earth to set the example

He showed me how to live

Follow the Ten Commandments

YAHWEH-YASHA showed me the way


He shed His blood at Calvary for me

He took away my sins

Follow the Ten Commandments

YAHWEH-YASHA showed me the way


543. Thank You For The Heavenly Manna


Thank you for the heavenly manna

Food of angels, prepared bread from heaven above

It’s our constant delight and satisfies our every wish

Thank you for the heavenly manna


544. I Can Make It To Heaven


I can make it to heaven, yes I can, yes I can

I can make it to heaven, yes I can, yes I can

I can make it to heaven holding to His hand

I can make it to heaven, yes I can, yes I can


Though the devil would try to dissuade me

With his underhanded ways

I don’t have to listen or do what he says

I can fix my eyes on YAHWEH-YASHA

I can seek His face

Yes, I can make it to heaven by His mercy and His grace


545. Do Things My Way


Do things My way, My church, do things My way

Trust and obey, My church, trust and obey

For I am not slack concerning My promises

My voice you must obey

Do things My way, My church, do things My way


546. His Love Is Wonderful


His love is wonderful

His love is comforting

His love is everlasting

His love, His love

He loves us; He cares for us

His love will see us through

His love, His love, His love


547. Always Be Joyful


Always be joyful, pray constantly

And for all things give thanks

Always be joyful, pray constantly

And for all things give thanks

This is the will of our Father

So His children will grow properly

Always be joyful, pray constantly

And for all things give thanks


548. Are You Ready For Eternity?


Are you ready to meet your Maker?

Are you ready His face to see?

Are you ready to hear the trumpet sound?

Are you ready for eternity?

In a moment unexpected the Son of Man will come

There will be no time to make things right

Are you ready to see the Saviour face to face?

Are you ready for eternity?


549. My Way, My Children


I heard the sweet song of the bird

Calling me to the window

How much sweeter the voice of YAHWEH-YASHA

Calling us to the home He’s preparing for us


My way, My children

My way, My children

Follow Me and come home

The song of angels and heavenly hosts will meet us

This way, My children, to your heavenly home


550. Will Your Name Be Written in the Book?


Is your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?

When the book is opened will your name be there?

Will you dwell in the Holy City with Him?

Will your name be there so you can be His child?

Will you be in His bride?

Will you let Him wipe away your tears

Take your sorrow and pain?

Will you be there to sing, to worship at His feet?

Will your name be written in the Book of Life?


Will you drink from the Fountain of Life?

Will there be white marks in the Book of Life?

Will you see the Holy City?

The glory of YAHWEH-YASHA?

Will you see the precious stones?

The streets of pure gold?

Will your name be written in the Book of Life?


Will you eat the fruit of the Tree of Life?

Will His name be written on your forehead?

Will you see Him face to face?

Will you enter through the gate

Of the city of gold where you’ll never grow old?

Will your name be written in the Book of Life?


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